RHS Hampton Court 2021 Allotment design: Try it yourself

Hello and welcome!

Here is a list of the things I used to make this bed for you to try yourself.

Plant list


  • Saliva ‘Caradonna Compact’, approximately £4.99 for a 1l plant. These are the plants with the big spike like purple flowers.

  • Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’, approximately £4.99 for a 1l plant. These are the plants with the orange circular flowers on thin stems.

  • Marigolds 'French Durango' Mix, approximately £1.90 for 100 seeds. These are the smaller plants with orange flowers at the edges of the bed.


  • Beetroot ‘boltary’ , approximately £1.75 for 250 seeds

  • Swiss Chard ‘Lucullus’ , approximately £2.99 for 200 seeds

  • Lettuce ‘All the year round’, approximately £2.49 for 1000 seeds


  • Wild strawberries, approximately £3.20 for 500 seeds

Additional items I used

  • Organic liquid or long acting plant feed (you only need these for pots) £5.99- £12.99

  • Crop protection (I used bird safe netting and insect proof mesh) approximately £15.99-29.99

  • Compost - I used around 300l of good quality peat free compost (had to grow spares) approximately £60

  • Mulch - I used 2 bags of Strulch, which is a mineralised straw mulch - approximately £20

  • Wood chip, 2 bags for the path, approximately £15 (or why not try and get it for free from a local tree surgeon).

More information on how I grew these plants is available on my instagram story @zoe_claymore.

All these plants can be grown without a garden. You can grow them on a balcony in pots. Just remember, if it is in a pot you are its only food source, so it’ll need to be watered and fed more as a result. In my opinion the bigger the better when it comes to pot size, to reduce the watering frequency.


Reflections, one year on


Why I decided to become a garden designer